"Donner Party (All Night)" 2005-05-04 - 6:51 a.m.

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guess who's back? put the tea on bitches; I have stories.

So that turned out to be, what? Two weeks? Wow. I had so much to say that I've already forgotten. It's hard to think back to where to begin.

So I think first: I've got me a new car. It's a white 95 Toyota Camry. It's all aerodynamic and new, which I'm conflicted about. I don't really like the look of newer, smoother cars. And it doesn't really have any character, being new and all. But this is me we're talking about. Give me a month and it'll be dirtbag filthy and something on it won't work. On the upside, right now everything works. Which is nice. Plus the inside is ginormous. I could actually fit more papers in it than I could in my van, which seems wrong in a lot of ways. It runs well and gets good gas mileage; but the best feature is: [as I mentioned in my lj] it has a CD player. Fucking rock. The speakers are really good too. None of them are blown out yet, anyway. I've been driving around blasting rock & roll everywhere, it's awesome. Some days I crank it so loud my ears hurt, and it makes me smile.

I sold my van as well, which was interesting. Once I got my new car I left it out at this place people leave their cars to sell, and this guy saw it and called me at 9 AM[after I went to bed at 7]; and we met and talked about it, then he wanted to meet at 1 when he got off work to buy it, so I stayed up until then. I brought him the title, he brought me the cash, and I sold my van in one day. So the van is finally gone. But on the upside I finally paid off Ruben for the equipment. So yeah. I guess that chapter of my life is over.

Secondly; I've got a new house as well. As I mentioned, my family moved. We're technically in Oro Valley now, which is some annoying, half-assed suburb of Tucson. Way up on the north side. The house itself is ok. It's nicer than our old house. But it's just another house as far as I'm concerned. It sucks because it's way up north; which means it now takes me half an hour to get anywhere. I remember back when I lived in my old house I always used to think "man, it must suck for Stephanie and Robyn; living so freakishly far north, I can't even imagine having to drive that far to get anywhere." Well now I live further north than Robyn and about five minutes south of Stephanie. Fucking weak. I hate it. Good damn thing my car gets good mileage or else I'd be blowing my whole paycheck on gas.

In other news, I think things are worked out with Chris. Sort of. Like, we talked it out. And he wants kind of a "friends with benefits" type situation, where we're free to fool around with other people as long as it doesn't lead to sex. Whereas I want a full-on relationship. So I don't know. That's one point of conflict. The other is that I'm still confused. Like, I know I like guys, and I know I like Chris. But lately all I can think about is girls and how much I want a girlfriend. So I don't even fucking know. I'm thinking his idea might be better for now. But I still don't want that, no matter the situation. So I don't know. More on that as it develops I guess.

I discovered this fucking rocking new band called Death From Above 1979; and they own you. It's just two guys, one who plays drums and sings and one who plays bass. No guitar. But the bass is so distorted each note sounds like a guitar chord. It's awesome. They're amazing musicians too. Like, you can't even tell they're not a full band. They rock, lately they've been my favorite ear-bleeding-loud band for my car. I suggest all of you go get their CD "You're A Woman, I'm A Machine" right now. Or check out their website at least.

and another interesting side note: for like, two weeks I was getting about 3 hours of sleep a day. Going to bed at 9 and getting up at 12 to either go look for a car or help with the moving. So last week I got a day where I didn't have to do that, and I slept for 12 hours straight. [it cost me a chance to see The Bravery too, which sucked] So then the next day I couldn't sleep during the day, and fell asleep at night. Which promptly caused me to be late for work. And it caused this horrible chain reaction where because I fell asleep at night, I couldn't sleep during the day, and then I would fall asleep at night again and be late for work. That went on for like, four days. So then monday I just decided "fuck it" and stayed up the whole day so I would be sure to fall asleep during the day the next day and break the cycle. That was fun. I was up for 27 hours[although in reality it was actually 26 because I did go to sleep for an hour in there] so 26 is still my personal best. And I'll tell you, waking up from my hour nap was fun. My body did not want to wake up; and it let me know. I was like, spasming and some of my limbs didn't work right. It was awesome. My schedule is still a little off, so I should be getting to bed now. I know I had more to say but that's all I can remember right now. So I'm back, and if I remember more I'll update again later. I'll tell you the story of how I got two things for free in 24 hours[ooh, feel the excitement!]

Adios Amigos <3 <3 <3