"Walk Among Us" 2004-08-18 - 4:52 a.m.

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sometimes, things do become more clear when you talk/write them out

there's so much going on that I choose not to share

it's too bad, too

'cause it almost makes me interesting

not much to say

my private affairs make my public ones seem unimportant in comparison; but you don't get to make that comparison for yourselves

I apologize

today at practice I was playing so hard I broke a blood vessel in my finger

that was pretty cool

it hurt for a minute or two but I can move my finger fine and there doesn't seem to be any damage other than some blood under the skin, so...

that's about the only interesting thing that happened to me today

work was boring and uneventful

it was dead as disco all day, except for the occasional, out-of-nowhere rush

which made it last for-fucking-ever

practice was pretty uneventful too

those two goons[Gabby and Ruben] can't get the fucking files of our songs off of the laptop we put them on; so our demo is on hold for now

and practice itself got cut short when Ruben broke a bass string he didn't have a spare for

what string instrument player doesn't bring spare strings with them anytime they have to play?

practice, show, whatever

you should always have spare strings


I don't know

that's about it

for the past month or so; at around 3:30-4 AM, this thing that looks like an incredibly bright star rises over the mountains outside my window

it's as bright as the moon; but it's the size of a star

it rises the same time, every day

when I first saw it I thought it was a weird anomalous phase of the moon that was supposed to be new or the very first visible phase; but somehow only got illuminated at the very edge

some type of phenomenon

but then the next night I saw the moon somewhere else next to the other light

so I don't know what it is

it's far too bright to be a star

and I don't think it's a planet

I don't think those are especially bright either

it always rises around the same time, and travels across the sky gradually

and I can see it perfectly from my window

tonight I tried looking at it through a telescope;

but I couldn't get the piece of shit to focus

there was only one bloody knob that affected the focus, and it didn't work worth a damn

after that I tried binoculars

which didn't have the range to see what it was; but did reveal it has a greenish tint to it

which is certainly interesting

I don't know

I'm always hoping that something fantastic will happen to me; dragging me into a world of wonder and adventure

and since I can't figure out what the hell the light actually is

it's as reasonable as the next conclusion that it's some type of alien or divine creature or hole in reality

or maybe a big-ass comet like in FF7

who knows?

I suppose I've made a big enough ass of myself for tonight

but I promise I'm not as shallow as I sound

I've just gotten better at hiding my true depth

Adios Amigos