"Shatterday" 2003-07-14 - 3:43 a.m.

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this weekend may have been one of the most eventful weekends of my life

grab a snack and put on your favorite CD, this could take a while

OK, Saturday started fairly uneventful;

I sat around for hours waiting for Stephanie to call

all day I was saying "Stephanie should be calling any minute"

at about 5 I called her, and she didn't answer

and true to my paranoid, insecure nature;

I immediately realized that there's no conceivable way that she could not be home, and that she must've read the caller ID and not-answered on purpose

I sat around for an hour just feeling like shit

then she called me, and, my insecurities properly cowed, I headed to her house

the four and a half hours I spent at her house were OK

played a lot of Metroid Prime(with no actual progress)

saw Jill and Robyn again

I really like Jill and Catherine,

I wish we hung out more often

anyway, we just sat around and "hung out"

waiting for Erin(Steph's older sister) to get home so that we could head off

and then, at 10:30; we went to IHOP

honestly, I think that may have been the most fun I've ever had

we were there from about 11 to 12:30, and we must've been 9 of the noisiest people that resteraunt has ever had

the whole point of it was that we were having a "World Domination Summit"

and everyone had to "represent" a country

Robyn was Mexico, which was kinda weird because we would jokingly say bad things about her; but we would refer to her by her country name, and there was this Mexican kitchen worker sitting on his break at a table just around the corner from ours

he probably thought we were a bunch of bigots

but either way,

Adrian(Erin's friend from England) represented England(of course)

Mariah was South America(because she failed Geography)

Erin was Uruguay(for some stupid reason)

Stephanie was Egypt(?)

Catherine was India(meh)

Cody was Holland(/Hell, but I'll explain that later)

Jill was France

and I was Russia

meaning that every chance I got I got to do the "In Russia" gag

ie-we were talking about how Nickelodeon used to rock in the early '90s,

and I said: "In Russia, Nickelodeon watches you!"

and I would shake my fist and look bitter

anyway, Jill got the idea that Cody should paint a little French mustache and goatee on her,

he used what I think was one of them black eye-liner pencils, and at first he painted this snidely wiplash mustache

so Jill erased it and drew in a proper one

but I must say, when Jill just had the little goatee,

she legitematly looked sexy

which I'm sure says something really bizzare about my tastes, but I don't know what

anyway, Robyn got a big mustache, Stephanie got nice looking Egyptian eye-liner dealies

Catherine got a dot

and Adrian got some weird eye-liner job that didn't look remotely British but did look oddly good on him

and as I promised to explain:

first Cody painted deep circles under his eyes and a bit of drool coming from his mouth to look all drugged-out

but then he painted his face all weird to look like the devil and painted a horn on his forehead


we sat in the smoking section

and being able to smoke in the resteraunt without worrying about being cuaght and just doing it casually with my everyday(in theory) activities felt really good

I don't know why but it was just this really nice feeling

so after the meal we wrote a note to our waitress(who was cool) saying "thank you for hosting our Summit" and that kind of thing

and signed it with our "country" names

I signed mine "CCCP" and put a little star next to it

heh heh

and I got Cody to sign "Netherlands", which could be either Holland or Hell; and I'm particularly proud of that

anyway, so that was if not the most fun I've ever had; the most fun I've had in a very long time

And then, later after I went home, things went kinda downhill

I was playing the game I rented,

and I went to rub my eye, and I felt my contact fall out

so I paused the game to look for it, and I couldn't find it anywhere

and then I started to feel like there was something in my eye

now, this had happened to me before,

I thought my left eye contact had fallen out, but it had really just gotten smushed over in the corner of my eye

so with the help of my mother I was able to push it back into the center of my eye

so I figured this is what happened

and after about ten minutes of trying to do this on my own, I got my sister to help me

and she couldn't do it

so I had her wake up my mom, and she couldn't do it either

we sat there pulling my eyelids open and poking at my eye for hours

we looked all over my room, but couldn't find the lens

I Swear to God that I felt that damn thing in there

it first happened at about 3:30

at about 5:30 my mom decided to take a break and went to bed

I was afraid to sleep, because I've heard how bad falling asleep with contacts in your eyes is

and the last thing I wanted was to have the damn contact fuse to the corner of my eye where I couldn't reach it

so I stayed up all night

and when my mom woke up at about 8:30, we decided to go to an optometrist; and the earliest they opened was 10

so we left at 9:30

but since we weren't a patient of hers, she couldn't do anything

so we went to an Urgent Care Center

they took a look, and found out that there was no contact in my eye

but because of all the scratching and probing, I had damaged my eye

I have a "Corneal Abrasion"

now we still don't know if the contact just fell right out, or if it was actually in my eye and then fell out later

either way

I have to get perscription eye drops, and use them every four hours for five days

I can't wear contacts again for ten days

I'm not supposed to rub my eye

and I'm supposed to avoid bright lights

my eye is all red, and stings like hell

and the vision from it is super-blurry

it reminds me of that horrible show "Thunder in Paradise" that Hulk Hogan was in

and in the first episode he had an eye patch

and he kinda bore a grudge against the guy who had hurt his eye

but not serious enough to make the guy an actual villain

so they end up arm-wrestling at the end of the episode(?!)

and they're pretty evenly-matched, so Hulk says: "An Eye for an Eye"(also the episode title) and pulls off the eye-patch to reveal that his eye has a yellow iris, and the white is bright red

for some reason this causes the other guy to lose, and he passes out(?!?!), and everyone cheers

and after that both of Hulk's eyes were normal

and it reminds me of that because my eye is all red and the lid only opens half way

anyway, we got home from Urgent Care at about 11:30, and I promptly went to sleep

now, I was awake for about 23 hours straight

all I had to eat was the meal at IHOP

I had a super-fuckin-cool time

and I ended up in the emergency room

now if that's not one hell of a day, my friends

I don't know what is

oh yeah

anyway, I slept until about 5, woke up drenched in sweat

(Oh yeah, the fucking Swamp Cooler in my house broke; meaning that my dog lit on fire the other day and the posters on my walls are melting)

then went to a going-away party for my cousin

he leaves for the Air Force academy Wednesday;

I had a great time there

watched a couple of my cousins play chess(both played extremely well, I might add)

then we got started playing Red Faction 2

I honestly don't remember when we started, but we finished up at about midnight

I had a lot of fun

and even though it sounds pathetic after Saturday,

it was a good way to wrap up the weekend

tomorrow I have to call-in to see when I have to go in Tuesday for Jury Duty

and I need to see my optometrist

this has been one hell of a weekend

no joke

Sweet Dreams