"Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World" 2003-03-11 - 4:37 a.m.

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well I couldn't get ahold of my therapist today

it's her day off

she'll call me back either tomorrow(when she goes back to work) or she'll just wait until the next time she's at the office closest to me(which'll pretty much be the day of my next appointment)

so nothing there

I watched some MTV documentaries about the Middle East, and the situations over there

and it's very sad what goes on

it sounds really lame to say that

but there's nothing I can say that can convey the true sorrow towards that situation

but the truth is there's nothing we can do about it, at all

the problem is that the Isrealies and the Palistinians are in a constant state of war; and the only way we could have an effect would be to become a third party in that war

and that wouldn't help at all

the only way we could stop them from oppressing eachother would be to oppress both of them

and we have no right to do that

there's no choice but to let them settle it themselves

it sucks; but America is not the World Wide Watchdog we like to think we are

and we don't have any good answers

shit, just look at how we're settling problems that we made for ourselves

one of the programs was about "Gideon Goes to Kuwait" or some such thing;

and he asked this one guy "how does it feel to live in a Monarchy as opposed to a Democracy?"

and it was like: "Oh yeah, this is supposed to be a Democracy isn't it?"

I mean, Democracy is supposed to be: The People Control the Government

and even though it's pretty even; the majority of people(and I may be a bit biased in this assumption) still seem to be anti-war

and of the people that are pro-war; it seems like(even though not the majority, there's still-) a large enough number of people who want to either focus on North Korea or Osama Bin-Laden; that the people who actually want to go to war with Iraq, are in the minority.

But our leader is one of those people, so we're going to war with Iraq; regardless of what the people want


yeah, right

we need Communism

and I don't mean the B.S. Russian Dictatorship-Under-The-Guise-Of-"Communism";

or Chinese Totalitarianism-U-T-G-O-"Communism";

I mean true Communism, the way Karl Marx wrote it

and I know I probably sound evil to you guys, because everyone associates Communism and Marx with Russia; but that's not the case

as I've said; Russia was a Dictatorship under Stalin

true Communism takes place in three stages(as I remember it; I know this is the gist of it, but I'm not 100% on all the details):

Stage 1) Education

the people, under their current government; take the time to educate themselves, become 'enlightened' on how to treat others, and what it will really take to make a working society

Stage 2) Revolution

the now enlightened people overthrow the current, obsolete form of government

Stage 3) Communism

the enlightened people rebuild the government in a proper fashion where everyone is equal, and concepts such as War and Poverty are things of the past

it would be a truly Utopian Society of learned people

sadly, this wouldn't work

not everyone is willing to edjucate themselves

and I'm not talking 1984, "learn what we tell you to learn" edjucation; I'm talking just learning basic principals that would enrich everyone's lives

and people are lazy; we don't want to change stuff, even for the better, because our system gets by; and that's all most people care about

and mainly, because Communism would make everyone equal

right now, 2% of the population controls 90% of the wealth; and that's exactly how that 2% like it

and with their 90% of the wealth, they put themselves above the law, and above the people; and they are in complete control

the "Upper Class" has become so greedy, that they wouldn't go for a system of society that would enrich everyone's lives just because they don't ever want things to change

the world could become Utopian; but they don't want that because they like to be elite and powerful, they don't want everyone to be equal

I know this sounds like a bunch of anti-establishment rhetoric

and to be honest, it pretty much is

but before I went off on my Communism rant; I hope I made some valid points concerning current affairs that even people who aren't Far Left Wing Radicals can appreciate

so if my views on society as a whole have caused you to cease taking me seriously; go back and read that so at least some of my message will get accross

and remember;

Iraq = VietNOW

Sweet Dreams