"Loudmouth" 2003-11-29 - 1:56 p.m.

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I'm not sure why I'm updating

I seem to be one of the last people using diaryland

but in the end this is about me venting and not about getting readers

and so here I go:

I got my schedule figured out

I don't have less hours at all

which is a mixed blessing in that I get the kind of pay I want

but I have to stinkin' work

I don't know

in all honesty, I'd rather have it this way than the other way

I just like to bitch

my full schedule is up here

I have sunday off, and it's getting to the point where if Stephanie is somehow busy again I'm going to just drive over to her house and sit there while she does whatever she's busy with

it's not that I'm mad at her or anything

I'm just going insane from not seeing my friends

and I really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna see Robyn

so she must be involved in sunday somehow

it'd be groovy to see Evan too

but I don't know

I just really want to see you guys

even though I'm getting used to it work seems to be sucking the soul out of me slowly

and I need something to break up the grind

speaking of which

I'm still seeing work as a deviation from my normal life instead of part of it

which I have to change

full-time means full-time and once I get used to that I imagine I'll be able to update about shit other than my stupid job

but really, this is practically my first job

and going into a full-time job that's as busy as cashier at Wal-Mart after spending all my time doing nothing is such a drastic change that I'm having trouble grasping/dealing with it

I don't know

yesterday wasn't as bad as I had expected

apparently the Big Sale only lasted 'til 11(am)

and I didn't get in until 10:30

so it really had died down by then

it wasn't even as busy as the day before Thanksgiving

so that was a pleasant surprise

plus I got to work the morning at the Garden Center

which rocked

I wish I could work there the whole time

if I did then maybe I wouldn't be spending so much time bitching about work

it was just busy enough to not be boring

but slow enough to be relaxed

I was out there away from the rest of the cash-registers and store

it was awesome

the only downside being that I couldn't call for help if I needed it

but whatever

I only worked there for a couple hours, it was no big deal

I don't know

in an effort to add some spice to my diary, I will know stop talking about my goddamn job and talk about something else

I went in and took the final for Government last week

which I'm not sure if I mentioned or not

and I did horribly

I had just gotten my job, so I didn't get around to studying and I was real tired

and I just couldn't pay attention to save my life

I would do a question, then zone out for several minutes

and I just couldn't concentrate

so I don't know

I'm kinda worried because it said you have to get above a 60% to pass the final

and you have to pass the final to pass the course

and even though I didn't get a single wrong answer on any of the assignments

I bombed the final

if I do pass it'll be by a narrow margin

and I'm just praying that I do manage to scrape by so this nightmare can be over

it's not even about the graduation presents/money anymore

I just want this to be over

I'm sick of having it hanging over my head

and I'm sick of knowing that I'm 19 years old with a full time job and I'm still a fucking high-school student


as far as "fun" stuff goes

I've pretty much decided to just screw Clinton

that asshole hasn't called me back in forever

and I don't even wanna play that kind of music anymore anyway

I was hesitant to give up the position of lead-singer in the first place

so if he doesn't wanna make the effort he can perform degrading sexual acts on me then go to hell

now I'm gonna focus on starting a band how I want

wether I get the PA System for graduation or I buy it myself with my newfound income, I'll have it

and then I can start searching for other bandmates

I've started writing songs again

I wrote one which I'm really proud of

but I don't want to post it in here because it seems like songs I'm "really proud of" when I write I end up hating later on

like that Jesus Cobain song

what a piece of crap that was

but now I'm trying to keep things simple

going for a more Ramones/The Strokes/Interpol feel

and so hopefully in keeping it simple I'll stop myself from writing too-long, convoluted verses

I don't know

I've only got the lyrics for the one song, but for now I think they're good

and even if I'm still not any good at writing lyrics, even I have to admit that I'm getting better at it

if slowly

so even if I end up hating my newest song

eventually I'll be able to write songs that don't suck

and either way my guitar parts are still going strong

still a little unsure of my bass-lines

and for now I don't even know how to play drums

but in the [somewhat]near future I hope to purchase myself a drum kit; and subsequently learn to play it

I don't know

I'm just rambling now

either way

I get payed thursday

and that paycheck should be quite large

and monday is the next day I have off after that

so monday I'm going to the army surplus store to get myself a good leather jacket

and that's about as far ahead as my actual plans go

but at least I got an update out where I talk about more than just my job

Have A Nice Day

Five Tips For Shopping At Wal-Mart:

1)If the cashier is looking over one of your items, don't tell them how much it is. They need to scan the barcode either way; knowing how much it actually costs is irrelevant.

2)Don't be an asshole.[I had to clean up some of the store yesterday, and the shit people leave around is astounding] Don't leave trash on the shelves; don't just open shit for no reason. Just don't be a dick. It's not like that's hilariously funny, and it just means some poor bastard is gonna have to clean it up.

3)Look at an employee's nametag before you ask them something. If it says 'cashier' and they're not at a register, chances are they're on break; and either way they probably don't know where anything besides the cash register is anyway. That's not a biggie, but it'll save you some trouble.

4)Don't come in with price-matches for a shitload of your stuff. Price matching is good in small portions, and it can save you some cash. But if you have a large number of items and have price-matches for over half; that's a pain in the ass for the cashier, it's gonna make your transaction take forever, and it's gonna make the customers in line behind you hate your guts.

[seriously, I was getting ready to clock out the other day. I let one last customer in because I'm a nice guy. That bitch had 119 items; and at least 100 of them were price-match. I wanted to beat her to death with one of her 2 Liter soda bottles]

5)Don't just stand there, PUT YOUR STINKING BAGS IN YOUR CART! If the cashier is piling multiple bags on top of the little Baggie-Go-Round; chances are there's no more room. And if you're standing there watching this while your empty cart sits next to you, yes, that makes you an asshole.