"Sick, Sad World" 2003-11-09 - 3:44 a.m.

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I did nothing today

so I will use this entry to bitch about things I've been meaning to bitch about but haven't gotten around to

if you've got better things to do I suggest you do them

I saw the Matrix 2 today


at first I thought that I would have to eat my words about Equilibrium's fight scenes being better; but I decided I won't

see; there's a comparison to be made between the Matrix and my Tony Hawk playing

see, in Tony Hawk; there'll be a goal where you need to do a combo worth 30,000 points

and if you wipe out you fail the goal

but I can't just stop at 30,000 points

I have to keep adding tricks and going until I've got a combo worth 76,000+

about 7 times out of 10 I land it; and then I completed the goal and made it look good

but 3/10 times I botch it because I couldn't just stop at what I needed; I had to keep going

well the Matrix's fight scenes have a much lower success ratio

the fight scenes are awesome; but they just keep 'em going until the effects look cheesy and they go from awesome to silly

and yeah; there were a few sequences that rocked

but most of them just had me laughing

and so Equilibrium still wins out in the fight category because they know when to stop

and, I have to say; the Matrix just barely beats Equilibrium in the plot department

and Equilibrium had one shitty plot

make of that what you will

so I don't know

I'll have to see the third one and then bash that as well

I'm tempted to spend money to see it in the theatre just because that might make the effects look cooler

but if I'm going to spend money to see a movie in the theatre it's going to be Kill Bill again

I love me some Kill Bill

seriously; I think I could watch that movie twice in a row

and I can't stand to watch most movies twice in the same rental period

but anyway

speaking of Tony Hawk games

[as I was; somewhere in there]

Underground had to go back today

but I rented Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4

because I'm a sick, sad individual

I have to say, though: it's nice to have a good soundtrack back

Underground had some decent songs; but overall the soundtrack sucked

which was a shock considering that all the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games had amazing soundtracks

but enough of that

I'm more than a little ashamed of myself for that one; so I'd rather not keep talking about it

so, to jump back to my previous topic:

another thing that bothered me about the Matrix was Monica Bellucci(if I'm spelling it right)

a lot of people thought she was "beautiful" and "hot" and all that

but I have to disagree

I didn't think she was all that good looking

and she was about the same shape as a board

I mean, even without considering my preference for the larger ladies; she was fucking thin

looking at her head-on she was shaped like this: ||

and she looked the same from the side

people who find that attractive should just drill holes in 2x4's and leave the real women for the rest of us

I suppose that makes me kind of a pig

but it disturbs me that people made a big deal out of how 'attractive' she was

that kind of thing especially bothers me because the fact that so many people find that attractive makes it hard for guys like me to find girls who don't want to look like that


I shall stop making an ass of myself

in that way, at least

and now I shall proceed to make an ass of myself in a different way:

I'm starting to get a bit leary of this band I'm starting with Clinton

I mean; my tastes have really lightened lately

and here I am trying to start a semi-metallic band

I mean, I know I've talked about it before

but it seems like I go through phases where I listen to different kinds of music

and the phases where I listen to softer music are getting more intense, more frequent and are lasting longer

the phases where I listen to harder music aren't as hard as they used to be; and are getting shorter

Sindy told me she listened to the same stuff I did late in high school

and then as she got older her tastes got harder until now she listens to all these different varities of metal that have names like "black metal" and "doom metal" and "puppy-killing metal"

[ok, I made the last one up; but how hilarious would that be if it were real?]

anyway, my tastes seem to be doing the exact opposite

two years ago I was listening to Marilyn Manson and Coal Chamber; and now I'm desperately craving a Smiths album

I don't know

it's just one of those things I've been thinking about

and, in a related story;

I've decided I am going to cut my hair

I just want it to be even-length

see, right now the hair on the top of my head is about shoulder length,

while everything under that is buzzed

I'm gonna wait until the underneath part grows out to about two or three inches and then even it out

but that won't be for a few months at least

by which time I'll probably have changed my mind

for now I think I'll just cut the long part down to chin-length

because right now my hair makes an "L" shape

it hangs down until about shoulder-level; where it curves sharply to the right on both sides

and that bothers the fuck out of me

long hair is supposed to look cool

and mine looks idiotic

I don't know

I'm hoping that when I cut the ends off it won't curl anymore

and then I definitely won't cut my hair because it'll be (mostly)straight like I always wanted it to be

but I know that the new ends will just curl like the ones now are doing

and I'll probably get even angrier

so I don't know

in several months I'll cut my hair(maybe) and then grow it out so it looks long

and then I'll have some other problem with it to bitch about

I'm also considering shaving my goatee

just because

but I've gotten really lazy this week

I've needed a shower for quite some time

I usually wake up and scratch my head and say: "ow, that hurt*; I need to shower.

...meh, I'll do it tonight"

*['cause of the psoriasis]

and then I either forget or it gets to the night and I say:

"meh, I'm tired; I'll do it tomorrow"

and that cycle has been repeating for almost a week now

'cause I am a lazy, lazy bastard

I just have no reason to shower

or do anything other than sit and play Tony Hawk games

Wal-Mart hasn't called

Clinton hasn't called

and I called UofA about my final; but no one was in so I left a message

and they haven't called either

I should call them(all of them) again

but I just got finished saying how lazy I am

in other news;

I decided a while ago that whenever I get my band going I'm going to take a stage name

because 'Stickroth' is awkward and un-cool

I used to want to get one like "Mr. Black" or some kind of character name

but I've decided to just change my last name to something less ungainly

names like 'Staley' or 'Cantrell' were too obvious

so for a while I decided on 'Curtis'[in a nice, obscure reference to Ian Curtis of Joy Division] or 'Kurtis'[with a nod to Kurt Cobain thrown in]

[although seeing it typed I don't like it anymore]

but now I think it'll be 'Smith'

I just love how blank/anonymous-sounding it is

plus, like I said; I've got that recent 'thing' for The Smiths

I don't know

on an ironically un-related note;

I just love Robert Smith's voice

he just sounds like he's about to start crying all the time

it's great

but whatever

I don't know

this entry probably makes me look like a bad person

but don't they all?

Pathetic Teenagers Who Rent Multiple Tony Hawk Pro Skater Games To Further The "Career" Of Their Virtual Character; Tonight On Sick, Sad World

*insert that eye graphic with the wavy lines*