"It's Not The Heat, It's The Bloody Fucking Hateful Humidity" 2004-07-12 - 2:22 a.m.

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reason #1309843 to hate Arizona:

we have this thing called "monsoon season" and it occurs during summer

now, I know what you're thinking:

"water falling from the sky, clouds obscuring the sun, that should cool things off; how fortunate that that should happen during the hottest time of the year"

to quote Charlie Murphy:


all monsoon season does is raise the humidity 100,000 %

and it doesn't affect the heat

meaning we usually wind up with 100-120+ degree temperatures with ass-loads of humidity

it sucks

sucks sucks sucks sucks suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

and in Arizona we have this nifty things called "Swamp Coolers" to cool our houses

(or at least I do)

now, I assume they have them elsewhere, but I'd never heard of them until I moved here, so I'll explain them to those of you who also don't know about them

basically, they cool the air by adding moisture to it

aka: humidifying it

now, during the average day, this isn't a problem

but when the hummidity spikes like this;

it makes the fucking things worthless

which means you can never stop sweating

it sucks

I hate this fucking state

practice tonight was especially bad

we did the set a few times(they say only twice, but I swear we did it three times)

and since I'm all energetic and jumping around and headbanging, I worked up a sweat* in seconds flat

*[a new sweat actually caused by exertion, which occured on top of the ambient sweat I was already experiencing]

during breaks I practically ran outside gasping for air

it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot

and it's only going to get worse

temperatures are only around 100 right now

in the next few weeks they'll start climbing to 120+

if I suddenly stop writing, it's because I've sweated out my internal organs and died

it could conceivably happen

this sucks

anyway, in other news

the band's first show is saturday; and we're pretty ready

I can't wait

again, it will be video taped, and professionally edited with footage from 4 or 5 different cameras

so if you want your free tape of the show; drop me a note

not much else happening, but I needed to bitch about the humidity

I think I've lost 5 lbs. just from sweating, and I'm already pretty skinny

but whatever

I'm losing the ability to form coherent thoughts, so I'll cut this one off


Adios Amigos