"Shining" 2003-07-22 - 12:59 a.m.

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seriously, I woke up this morning and my first thought was: "wow, I'm not sweating"

if I had to describe the past two weeks(or was it one? that's really bad) in one word, it would be: "sweaty"

you guys don't understand

I would wake up in a pool of sweat,

sit around sweating all day

if I was in one place for more than 15 seconds sweat would pool

and then at night I'd go to bed drenched in sweat

only to start the process over again

I don't think I've ever sweated so much in my life

and I wasn't even doing anything!

anyway, but the cooler's fixed now, and I'm nice and dry

also "HUZZAH" worthy:


that's awesome

I just wish I could afford to buy it right away, but I'll have to settle for renting

supposedly it's gonna be the most fucked-up yet

*rubs hands* heh heh heh

anyway, not-so-"HUZZAH"-worthy:

I've got jury duty in about 6 and a half hours

it's probably going to suck, but at least I can get it over with and then relax

in diaryland news:

hooray for Puppet-666 for listing "gaining lots of weight" amongst things she's excited about lately(or at least I think that's what she did); go her

boo to Sindy(even though I still love her) for losing 10 pounds

but seriously(in theory),

there's a show on Sci Fi called "Scare Tactics", and I really love the idea of the show, but I almost never watch it

if there's one show on TV I'd like to be on it would be that one(ever since MTV stopped airing 'Fear' the bastards)

well I was flipping channels and I caught part of it, and apparently the victim was working as an assistant gravedigger or undertaker or some such thing,

I don't know, I tuned in just in time to see two caskets on slats outside of what looked like a garage at what I think was a cemetary, and the victim guy was with this older guy who I can assume was supposed to be the undertarker or grave digger or whatever

anyway, right as I tuned in, this guy's arm just breaks through the side of one of the coffins

and I couldn't help but think: if I was the victim in that skit; my response would be like the guy in Old School during the tranquilizer scene: "YE-E-E-ES!"

and then I'd proceed to be properly terrified

but that's just the kind of knee-jerk reaction I have to the dead rising from the grave

heh heh

anyway, I think there was something else I wanted to talk about, but I can't remember it right now and I really need to try and get to sleep, so:

Sweet Dreams