"The Group Who Couldn't Say" 2004-01-18 - 4:10 a.m.

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I think I scared Sindy away from diaryland; and that makes me sad

it sucks so hard that things had to go the way they did

but I still can't blame myself

not completely

I don't blame her at all though

I don't know

I just wish things like that didn't have to hurt

maybe someday I'll tell you kids the whole story of what happened between us

and maybe someday, you won't listen

...or read, or whatever

I joke way too much

I just have to learn to stop when it's not appropriate

anyway, on to "real" things...

I got together with Ruben today; and the practice room he's renting downtown fucking rocks

we got together and jammed a little

I sorta taught him Commando by the Ramones

he learned it really well despite never having heard the song before

but he's going to buy the CD and we'll get it next time

again today I was struck by how alike we think and how well we understand eachother

if he didn't have a girlfriend I'd consider dating him

I don't even know if I'm joking anymore

if you wanted interesting reading you should've gone here

but how good it feels to be working on starting a band; even this early in the process; is making me want to get to work on other things

I just wish I knew a better way to find a job

I'm still just wandering around looking for places with "now hiring" signs; where I then just turn in an application and hope

it sucks that I have so little control over something so important

speaking of which

I'm really craving a relationship right now

starting this band with Ruben feels like the start of something special

and I want so bad to feel that in a romantic way

but with the girl I mentioned "having my eye on"; the catch is I don't really know her

but Stephanie sorta knows her

and since I don't go to school anymore my options for contacting her were either:

A>try and get Stephanie; who sorta knows her; to get me in touch with her

or B>hang around the mall all day everyday in the hopes of bumping into her

well; or "C>go to the school around lunchtime and hunt for her"; I suppose

but that one's even weirder than B

so as much as I hate to do things that way, I have to try and get ahold of her through Stephanie

who, I repeat, *sorta* knows her


of course, I haven't talked to Stephanie in two weeks; so I don't know how that's going

if it's going at all

I don't know

I'll probably end up just getting her phone number and then actually trying to go on a date with her

the thought alone makes me nervous and uncomfortable

but what're ya gonna do?

at least that way I'll have another horror story about how painfully awkward I am to tell you poor bastards


I'm probably going to end up just waiting until the band with Ruben gets to the point where we play live and then meet girls that way

as sleazy as that sounds/is/may be

[I'm not sure how I feel about it yet]

I don't know

the sad thing about this entry is: I was just planning to talk about how bad the movie Underworld was tonight

[my sister rented it today and I watched it with her]

but if I did that I'd be putting more thought into it than the people who wrote it

and I simply don't care enough

the only thing of note about the whole movie was the super-bad-ass scene where one of the characters stands up after being shot and forces the bullets out of his skull and neck by sheer force of will while a remixed version of A Perfect Circle's 'Judith' plays in the background

that was cool

although that does bring up another fun fact;

as excited as I got about the soundtrack to that movie; it was so mind-numbingly underused

the "collaboration" between David Bowie and Maynard

[which was just a remixed version of a David Bowie song with extra vocals by Maynard added in anyway]

was only used for about three seconds, very quietly; and it was just the opening riff before the vocals

stupid, bad movie

so yeah, I don't know

hopefully I'll see my friends tomorrow

if one of you read this, give me a call; since I can never seem to reach you guys

Adios Amigos