"This Entry Titled: "Oh, The Nerdiness" or: "Where's All Those Chicks With the 'I <3 Dorks' Shirts When I Need Them?"" 2003-08-05 - 4:35 a.m.

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I haven't updated in a few days

mainly 'cause I've got nothing to say

I've just been sitting around being sick

the other day my cousins came over and we played Red Faction 2 until the wee hours of the morning

that's always fun

the only thing I've really been doing is playing Silent Hill

because, as I mentioned; Silent Hill 3 comes out Wednesday(which should be tomorrow by the time anyone reads this[technically it's tomorrow now])

and I've been trying to beat the first two to get myself in the mood and fresh on the story and all that

I started two weeks back

but I got really lazy playing through the first one; and it took me way too long

so that left me with five days to beat #2

and since, like I said; I was playing Red Faction most of the night with my cousins the other day, that was one day off right there

and now I've only got two days(from tonight's standpoint)

and I'm barely into #2

but thanks to a marathon session tonight; I'm about 5/8's of the way through it

by the end of the night the creepy music and horrifying sounds the monsters make was legitimately grinding on my nerves until I wanted to just drop to my knees and scream "you're tearing me apaaaaart!!" like James Dean/Jim Carry-in-Earth-Girls-Are-Easy

...but in a (sort of)good way

and I've got another marathon session ahead of me tomorrow if I want to do things right

I'm gonna be super-pissed if I get to Blockbuster Wednesday and they either don't have it or other fan-boys like me beat me to it and rented out all the copies

but anyway;

that's the extent of what's going on with me

which is probably the most pathetic thing you'll read all day

I've been meaning to fill out a job application that's been sitting on one of my various piles of crap for weeks;

and I've also been meaning to write a song

but these meaningful activities are being pushed away by my sheer unbridled nerdiness

but on a side note; I did a drawing for Sindy, and she posted it in her diary

and it's just amazing to me to know that something I drew, something I created; something sitting in my sketchbook in the backpack behind me is on the worldwide web; being seen by people who I will probably never meet, know, or even see

it's the miracle of modern technology

[if you want to see the drawing you're gonna have to go to her diary, and go back an entry to get the story on it]


Maybe I'll Have Something Interesting to Say Tomorrow

Sweet Dreams