"Zombie, Zombie, Zombie" 2003-04-30 - 2:09 a.m.

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before I start running through my day; I just wanted to say that I changed the first verse of "Away"(as if any of you cared). It now goes:

"it's so hard to make myself try anymore

with my bloody corpse cooling on the floor

you were the last person to see me alive

and in the sweetest voice you spoon-fed me lies"

ooh, I changed two lines. Now on to my day:

today certainly was interesting

before I had a chance to bring up the idea about the guitar

my aunt and sister decided to go to the movies

meh, the more I think about it the less I liked my chances anyway

and we got there early so we could have dinner at the mall

well, my stomach was feeling kinda shaky so I decided not to have anything

I said I "wasn't hungry"

now, my aunt somehow took this as a personal offence

she just would not let it go

"why don't you eat?"

"I wish you would eat"

"why aren't you hungry?"

"why don't you eat something?"




you get the idea

it was annoying as all hell

just when I was starting to not mind my aunt so much

today reminds me why I resent her

anyway, the two of them saw Holes

and I saw Identity

that was a very good movie

the only drawback was that the ads for the movie did a pretty good job of revealing the major plot-twist

and in literally the first shot of the movie(over the opening credits); they just completely blow it

if it had just been the ads or that shot, it would't've been so obvious

but together they just blow it

it just shoots the movie right in the kneecap

the movie manages to stumble on heroically, keeping you unsure of wether or not you're right before it finally reveals the plot twist

and it does manage to keep the basic plot pretty surprising

for the first time in a while I found myself genuinely scared

the movie did a good job of being unpredictable

and if it weren't for the ease in which you

[or maybe it's just me; I really despise boasting but I honestly do have a Mensa-level IQ. Just barely, but I do.]

can geuss the major plot-twist; this would easily be a five star movie

as it is it still gets four stars

and let me just say, that John Cusack plays the hero role to a tee

I would love to see his character in a series of movies, even going beyond horror

he's the first hero in a while that you can really get behind. He's not an anti-hero, but he's not overly clean-cut and heroic

I don't know how but he just manages to fit into this niche of light-gray hero-ness; and John Cusack just absolutely nails the role

it's so depressing that he's part of the big plot twist

and I'm trying hard not to blow the movie here, but I will say that the ending is very depressing

I recommend this movie highly

go see it in the theater if you have the chance

it's well-written, well-made, and well-acted

I'll go ahead and say four and a half stars


back to my day

after the movie was over(and I stood in the lobby for a half an hour waiting for their movie to get done) I had to ride home with my aunt and sister

and I asked my sister what the plot of 'Holes' was, because I was curious

it turned out to be really cheesy

it reminds me of The Goonies if it was incredibly lame

from the sound of it I can't believe someone took the time to make a movie out of it


so I ask my sister about the plot, and she explains it to me in a rather short amount of time, rather simply

and after I've got it, my aunt decides to explain it to me again

so she explains it to me two or three freaking times at the top of her damn lungs

[and this woman has huge, HUGE lungs. I swear to God when I was waiting in the lobby I could hear her laughing and talking to my sister from inside the theater. If you stand too close to her it can be deafening.]

and I just wanted to be like: "Yeah, I fucking get it"

and so we finally get home, and my aunt starts to run through the evening with my mom at the top of her lungs

[again. I swear, she's so fucking loud.]

while me and my sister stood in the kitchen(I was re-heating a cheeseburger) and complained to each other about how fucking loud and annoying my aunt was

my aunt couldn't hear us despite being only about ten feet(at most, I have a small house) away because she's so fucking loud

my sister and I were more talking quietly than whispering because we wouldn't've been able to hear whispers over my aunt

so anyway, I ran and hid in the solitude of my room, and the next time I come out of my room I've got my mom asking me: "what was with not eating at the mall?"

ok, so now my aunt told my fucking mom about how I wasn't hungry like I did something wrong


I just wasn't fucking hungry

what's wrong with you fucking people!?!

Jesus Christ

thinking back on it I'm tempted to go into the living room and stab my aunt a few times with a butcher's knife from the kitchen

so yeah, on a more positive note there's a lot of good movies coming out now

the Italian Job looks good

well actually it's teetering on the fence between "good" and "shitty 'eXtreme' new remake of an old, good movie"

the fact that it's made by the people who made XXX and The Fast and the Furious is kind of points against it

as is Mark Wahlberg playing the hero

but the lack of Vin Diesel,

and the inclusions of: Donald Sutherland, Charlize Theron, Seth Green, Turkish(from the excellent film Snatch), and Edward Mother-Fucking Norton are definitely points for it

I love Edward Norton

he's the man

definitely one of my favorite actors

and Turkish rules

"Pirates of the Carribean" is another one kind of on the fence

the obvious Disney tie-in made me leary of it

but seeing the trailer it looks moderately interesting

and it has Johnny Depp in it

Johnny Depp is by far one of the best actors in Hollywood

he is consistently excellent, and just the fact that he's in the movie gives it at least ten or fifteen points

plus he's such a hottie

and the one that I really want to see,

the movie that I would kill people I know and like and walk over their dead bodies to go see:

"28 Days Later"

I first saw a trailer of this at House of 1,000 Corpses, and I thought it looked interesting

but they didn't show the whole trailer

apparently the director is "reinventing the Zombie Horror genre"

they had me at 'Zombie'

I love zombie movies

L-O-V-E them

and even though I'm not fond of the whole "reinventing" of the genre

simply because I love George Romero's vision of the shambling, brain-dead flesh eating zombies

I'm cautiously optimistic

and the fact that it takes place in London gives me more hope

I don't know why

but when I realized that it did, my brain come up with the formula of Zombies + London = London Dungeon, which is one of my favorite Misfits songs

and even though I don't reflect that onto the movie, I did start singing it quietly to myself in the theater

heh heh

so yes,

"28 Days Later" comes out June 27th

[or possibly the more obvious '28th']

and I will be there

I'm ordering my ticket like a week in advance, I refuse to miss that movie

mmm... zombies


so yes, just because I enjoy doing them; here's a quiz/survey I've been meaning to lift off of my new friend Sindustries for a few days:

Five details about you...

[x] I'm anti-social

[x] I probably smell

[x] I'm bad at relationships(friendly or otherwise)

[x] I enjoy cigarettes

[x] I consider myself a musician

Five details about your appearance right now...

[x] I'm in my underwear because I'm about to go to bed

[x] I shaved this morning

[x] my hair curls up at the bottoms like Mary Tyler Moore, and this annoys the hell out of me

[x] I'm so disturbingly thin that I must only be like, 1 or 2% body fat

[x] my hair is getting long, which makes me happy

Five things you did today...

[x] saw Identity

[x] stopped myself from going off on my aunt by sheer force of will

[x] masturbated

[x] exchanged pictures with Sindustries(which was un-related to the masturbation, nobody get scared)

[x] practiced my guitar

Five memorable things you did in the last year...

[x] gave up bass and taught myself to play guitar

[x] grew my hair out

[x] finished my stupid Economics course

[x] started smoking

[x] altered my drawing style from trying to be as realistic as possible to a more cartoony, more minimal style that's easier to do and actually looks better

Five things that everyone should know about you...

[x] this is a line from a Tool song I like(Pushit) that I intend to get tattooed on my chest(over my heart) that's a warning to all people who want to start any type of relationship with me: "Remember I will always love you, as I claw your fucking throat away, it will end no other way"

[x] I have Crohn's Disease, and the stomach specialist I'm seeing is a fuckhead

[x] I'm desperately lonely.

[x] I'm really sweet and considerate when I want to be, but women still look at me like dog vomit; or some other such thing they would never think of dating in a million years

[x] I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby

Five favorite groups...(as of right now) ?

[x] Alice in Chains

[x] Dinosaur Jr

[x] The Ramones

[x] Killing Joke

[x] Nirvana

Five favorite songs...[as of right now]

[x] Rolling Stones - Paint it Black

[x] Bush - Swallowed

[x] Black Sabbath - Snowblind

[x] Interpol - Roland

[x] Alice in Chains - Killer is Me

Five favorite movies...

[x] Cemetary Man

[x] Singles

[x] Evil Dead II

[x] A Clockwork Orange

[x] Natural Born Killers

Five things that make you happy...

[x] music

[x] Stephanie(most of the time)/Robyn

[x] comic books

[x] horror movies

[x] zombies

Five people who mean a lot to you...

[x] Stephanie

[x] Robyn

[x] Sindustries

[x] Jeanisdead

[x] Puppet-666

[how sad is it that I've only met two of those people?]

Five things that disgust you...

[x] my aunt

[x] my mom

[x] pre-fab bands (ie-Spice Girls, *NSync, the Sex Pistols)

[x] bigots

[x] me

Five things that impress you...

[x] musical talent

[x] Stephanie

[x] the ability to fly(in people)

[x] Jerry Cantrell playing the solo for Man in the Box. I mean, have you seen some of the shit he does with his fingers? It boggles the mind. I can't even imagine being able to play that.

[x] any display of real talent at all pretty much; it's rare to see real talent these days

Five things that don't impress you...

[x] those candles that are just three wicks in a big block of wax. I swear, if you look up "worthless" in the dictionary there should be a picture of those pieces of shit.

[x] the plot of "Holes"

[x] the wrestling in WWE

[x] bands who do a lot of covers after they've become famous. See-Marilyn Manson, Goldfinger. Don't get me wrong, the covers they do usually don't suck, hell, just look at MM's "Sweet Dreams" or Goldfinger's "Rio"; but it just doesn't impress me.

[x] movie-blowing ads

Five things you cannot live without...

[x] my guitar

[x] my hearing

[x] my intelligence

[x] my friends (or what's left of them)

[x] hope

Five things you'll do when you complete this...

[x] lay in bed for a couple of hours trying to fall asleep

[x] sleep(eventually)

[x] think too hard about something

[OK, that was what Sindustries put; but I'm going to end up doing that too]

[x] shut off my computer

[x] cut and paste the lyrics to a song into this diary

Five things you feel right now...

[x] bored

[x] mildly tired

[x] resentful of my aunt

[x] contemplative

[x] paranoid about a fucking mosquito that's been in my room all night that I haven't been able to catch

Sweet Dreams

I, Zombie - cancer raging

I, Zombie - fascinating

I, Zombie - crucify

I, Zombie - do not die

I, Zombie - kill machine

I, Zombie - never seen

I, Zombie - never you

I, Zombie - coming through

I, Zombie - duplicating

I, Zombie - eliminating

I, Zombie - fucking you

I, Zombie - never through

-I, Zombie

White Zombie